I heard a podcast where the interviewee said we are predisposed to either ideas or action.

When the time comes for change, we naturally lean towards one or the other.

We are either the ones who LOVE ideating and considering the possibilities.

Or we are the ones who LOVE taking an idea and making it come to life.

Ideas people and project people.

My Perspective

As with anything in life, we are all a mix of both attributes.

I think it’s interesting to consider which you lean stronger towards.

For me, the tendency is stronger for generating ideas.

Having this awareness lets me process where I’m strong and what I need to work harder to do.

When working with a group, we can partner with others who are the opposite tendency.

This helps balance the team out.

When working alone, knowing your preference helps.

For ideas people – Pick one idea and do something – act.

For project people – Schedule 30 minutes a week to generate ideas to make the project stronger.

Your Turn

Do you lean towards ideas or projects?

How could you intentionally grow your skills in the other area?

Who do you partner with to compliment your tendency?