We all have dreams for our life.

Things we want to do someday.

Often, we even set on a course to achieve those dreams.

Then, life sets in.

Drift happens.

We lose control of our direction.

We end up in places we never intended.

“Drift is the decision you make by not deciding, or by making a decision that unleashes consequences for which you don’t take responsibility.”

Gretchen Rubin

My Perspective

I think drift occurs most frequently when we don’t have vision.

These are times we are heavily influenced by others.

We follow direction and advice of others:

A leader.

A mentor.

A spouse.

A friend.

They all have opinions and solid rationale.

Yet, they are not inside our heads.

They consider the impact your decision will have on THEIR life.

They know what the best decision would be if they were in YOUR shoes.

In the end, they don’t have to live with the decision like you do.

We should always solicit advice from those we trust.

We just need to make sure we don’t let that advice override what’s in our heart.

Your Turn

When you look back, do you see times in your life where drift happened?

Were you influenced by others or did something else trigger the drift?

What could you do in the future to recognize the potential for drifting before it occurs?