The other day, a comment on TV caught my attention.

Lil Jon, the rapper, was talking about feng shui.

Seeming out of character, my ears perked up.

His next comment was “every home has a vibe”.

Apparently, I’ve been out of the loop as his HGTV show now has two seasons!

The show is called “Lil Jon Wants to do What?” and co-hosted with designer/builder Anitra Mecadon.

Clearly a new show is hitting my to be watched list!

My Perspective

Now, back to the comment of “every home has a vibe”.

I found this statement a cool and interesting way to look at our spaces.

This could be a home, a room, a workspace, or a reading nook.

Or at the office it could be a desk, a conference room, or a commons area.

The vibe is how your space feels.  

This is different from the style, which focuses on how the space looks.

And the flow, which focuses on the functionality.

I wonder how we would change our spaces if we thought of flow, style, and vibe as a trifecta.

We would make sure we liked the look, it functioned well, and we felt good when we were there.

Space perfection.

Maybe we should consider a space where we can think, reflect, and dream.

How could we create that vibe?

Your Turn

Are there any areas at home or work that have the style, flow, and vibe you are looking for?

How could you make small changes in this space to get a little closer to the vibe you want?

What space in your life would you like to shift the vibe?