The goal is to move from overwork and overwhelm to a sense of calm.

To find the space in life to do the things we want to do.

In theory, this sounds great.

Yet the work to get there is difficult and setbacks are all along the route.

My Perspective

The evolution away from overwhelm is a journey.

I have seen 5 phases that occur. 

Some may happen simultaneously, and we might jump through several quickly. 

However, each area has blocks and challenges holding us back.

Phase 1: Space to Breathe.  This is the step when we realize that we need to say no to some things to enable us to have a few moments in our day (however short they might be) to just breathe.

Phase 2: Space to Plan.  Once we find some breathing room, there is time to plan.  In this phase we move from defense to offense.  We plan our calendar ahead of time, set goals for the month/year, and start to think about the things we want to do in addition to everything we “have” to do.

Phase 3: Space to Explore. With plans in place, we start to spend time exploring and remembering the interests and the activities that bring us joy. We might do background research on something interesting at work, read a book, or re-engage in a hobby we’ve forgotten we love.

Phase 4: Space to Imagine. All the activities we are exploring provide inspiration and we start to connect dots and consider possibilities during this phase.  We might think of new projects, a twist on a current project that makes more impact, or activities to plan with family and friends.

Phase 5: Space to Create.  The last phase is to begin to create.  We might create a presentation, a new process, a redesign for a room in our home, a dinner party, or another creative endeavor like painting or writing.  This phase can come with a lot of resistance and self-doubt.

Your Turn

Do you have the space in your life to take on the dreams you have?

Which phase do you think you are in right now?

Can you pinpoint what is holding you back from the next phase?