There is a Japanese structure that can be very helpful in our self-awareness journey – the Ikigai.
An Ikigai brings together your passions, beliefs, values, and skills to create our personal reason for being.
Once created, we can use our Ikigai to set visions for the future, remind us of what brings us joy, set goals for the month/year, and create plans to live in our purpose.
Creating the Ikigai
To begin, we brainstorm and create four lists:
- What do we love?
- What are we good at?
- What can we be paid for?
- What does the world need?
From the lists, select the top 3-5 items and put them into the outer circles of the Ikigai chart.
Next, we look at the intersections of the four circles:
- Passion – What is at the intersection of what you love and what you are good at?
- Mission – What is at the intersection of what you love and what the world needs?
- Vocation – What is at the intersection of what the world needs and what you can be paid for?
- Profession – What is at the intersection of what you can be paid for and what you are good at?
Finally, we look at everything we have placed on the chart and consider the center – our Ikigai.
Your Turn
Have you created an ikigai?
What themes emerged?
Are you living your life in alignment with your vision?