When we see “tension between duty and play”, we might immediately think that we are talking about the tension between our work and personal lives. 

That isn’t the point of this post.

We all have duties and responsibilities in our work life and our home life. 

The pressure of recent years has caused many to revolve their days around their duties and have no time left for play.

The to do list is never ending and as soon as something is checked off three more things are added.

Yet, research has told us again and again that we are better at work if we also have time for rest and play – both at work and at home. 

When we take a break, we give our minds time to learn, grow and explore. 

This allows us to come back to our responsibilities with fresh thinking and creativity.

My Perspective

Times with no responsibilities and times with no play are both not good for us in the long run. 

Life needs the balance and the tension between the two.

Yet, I observe many who are leaning too far to duty and missing time for play.

Moments of play don’t have to be long hours of time. 

You can take five minutes and move your mind away from the work to come back refreshed. 

Here are a few ideas for five minutes of play:

  • Having a non-responsibility conversation with a family member or co-worker.
  • Reading a few pages of a book.
  • Listening to a 5-minute podcast.
  • Taking a quick walk outside.
  • Doodling a quick, fun drawing in a notebook or on a pad of paper.

Your Turn

Do you have a balanced tension between duty and play in your life?

Is there more balance in your work life or in your home life?

What 5-minute ideas could be added to your day to infuse more play?