The definition of a habit is something that we do often and regularly.  

Sometimes these activities are completed without us even realizing it. 

Our lives are full of these daily decisions that are repeated over and over.

Sometimes habits are positive and other times they are something we would prefer to stop.

All these habits weave together to form a tapestry of who we are.

Our habits encompass the careers we choose, the hobbies we engage in, our self-care, and more.

My Perspective

I’ve been thinking about habits tied to our aspirations.

Have you always wanted to be a painter?  Start painting every day.

Over time, I’m certain you will get better and better.

Want to be athletic? Start running or exercising each day.

A writer? Start a writing habit.

A thought leader in your industry? Start posting ideas daily on LinkedIn.

A volunteer? Pick your organization and start to engage.

The list could go on and on. 

While you can take classes on these topics, that shouldn’t replace daily practice. 

The activity of doing the habit is where the proficiency comes in.

Over time, the results can be amazing.

My Story

One of my aspirational habits is photography.

I’ve been taking photos regularly for 10 years.

I see the difference.

Your Turn

What aspirational habit do you want to take on?

How will you work that habit into your daily and weekly routine?

What barriers might get in the way of you starting the habit?

How could you overcome them?