Welcome to the Saturday post. This is where I summarize podcasts that inspired me throughout the week and give a quick recap of what was covered on both blogs. Enjoy!


This week, there are five podcasts that stood out to me.  There is a mix of personal development, organization design, and sustainability.  I hope you find a couple that will resonate with you.

Make Your Work Resonate with Others. 15 minutes. The Accidental Creative with Todd Henry.  This episode shares ideas from the book Louder Than Words suggesting that great ideas and content aren’t enough – the way we share our ideas is just as important.

Reimagine Happy Hour. 5 minutes. Before Breakfast.  This short episode gives ideas for alternatives to drinks after work.  The social part is what matters, not the drinks.

How to Do Your Scariest Tasks of the Day with Joy.  11 minutes. Optimal Living Daily.  I’ve been trying to tackle more activities that scare me.  This was a good episode providing solid advice on the scaries.

America’s Big Year of Climate Action. 15 minutes. TILClimate. This episode provides a great overview of the government programs that have been approved in the past year.

On What Issues Has Partisan Polarization Grown Most? 14 minutes. The Gallup Podcast. This episode talks about areas were Republicans and Democrats have become more aligned and where the wedges have become deeper.  Of personal interest, the episode suggests climate change is one area that has become more divided.

Blog Post Recap

Below is a summary of the personal development blog posts this week with links in case you want to dig in and learn more.  You can sign up to get the newsletters direct to your inbox at LoriSullivan.com.

Grit vs. Quit – This first post of the week discusses the tension between digging in and giving up.  When is the right time to do each?

Charisma is a Skill – A Seth Godin quote was the launching pad for this post.  The premise is that charisma is not something you are born with, but rather something that can be developed over time.

Personal Development Quests – This post explores how our personal development activities could be considered quests.  They are journeys for a new dimension of our self to emerge.

Life Quests – Following up on yesterday’s post, this post focuses on transitional moments in our lives when a quest might help us navigate the change.

From Chores to Deep Work – The last post of the week explored how we might use our daily chores at work and home to avoid doing the real, difficult work.

One Shade Greener

As we move toward fall, this is one of the best times of year to start new habits.  Looking at your lifestyle and finding ways to live greener and remove toxins from your home could be a great focus.  Pick up a copy of One Shade Greener at Home on Amazon to get you started on your journey.