When a new project comes up, the natural response is to dive right in and start to get things done.  However, taking a little time to plan the activity can save time and lead to greater success.

There are several reasons why planning sets us on a better path:

  • Clarifying Goals – By spending time defining goals before starting, we keep that vision top of mind throughout the project and can see when we stray off course.
  • Prioritizing Activities – With the goals in mind, we have a better understanding of the importance and urgency of the specific tasks in the project.  By focusing on the most critical tasks first, we can make progress more quickly.
  • Streamlining Work – Knowing the priorities allows us to streamline processes.  By eliminating inefficiencies, we save time and resources.
  • Enhancing Creativity – Planning can make us more creative.  Thinking more deeply about the goals and possible solutions can generate more innovative ideas and approaches.

My Story

Team projects I’ve worked on have seen the benefits of planning. 

Spending time thinking before executing has produced all the advantages mentioned above.

Personally, the area of that planning has made the greatest impact is on my personal projects and goals. 

Spending time planning my week, my month, and my year makes life run much smoother.

For the week, I spend about 30 minutes between Friday and Sunday to look at the week ahead and create a tentative plan for each day. 

I spread out presentations to develop and deliverables due throughout the week. 

By mapping how and when I will complete the work, my actual days run much more efficiently.

Your Turn

Do you leverage planning in your work and life?

Where do you see the most positive impact?

Are there other parts of your life you want to incorporate in more planning?