As we think about physical bins and containers for our homes, we look for that perfect size.

We want everything to fit.

However, if the bin is too large, we still find a way to fill it over time.

This perspective can go beyond the physical things we own and apply to things like our time, our energy, and our ideas. Here are just a few thoughts on each:


Every moment of our day is planned in some way. Even unexpected downtime has a “container” – an hour just freed up. If we aren’t intentional with what we plan to do in the container of time, we can end up with a bin that is too large or too small.

We schedule a meeting for an hour, finish in 35, and spend the next 25 talking about nothing because we want to “fill” the container. At the end of the day, we then find we didn’t accomplish all we hoped.

The opposite can also occur – we set 30 minutes to respond to email and only get to 1/3 of what we planned. The container was just too small for the task that needed to be done.


This one is tricky because we must get to know the flow of our energy before we can intentionally plan.

Once we know our energy limits, we can work to set breaks (with others or alone) to recharge.

The goal is to not find ourselves so drained that we show up as less than our best selves.


Depending on if you naturally generate a lot of ideas or not, picking the right container is key.

Some will end up with more ideas than they know what to do with while others won’t have enough ideas to vet which approach would be best.  

Setting limits (lots of idea generator) or goal targets (few ideas generator) can keep either type on track.

Your Turn

Do you see ways the concept of containers could be used in your life?

When it comes to meetings, are your containers typically too big or too small?

Do your ideas flow over the container or do you struggle to fill it up?