We are all creative.

We look at the world in a unique way and bring our perspective to the world.

Some of us may point our creativity at the arts and paint, sing, or dance.

Others may point our creativity toward business and create strategies and project plans.

Some may be visual, while others are focused on words or sounds.

There is no right answer to creativity.

However, today is a great day to celebrate our creative gifts.

National Creativity Day

May 30th is National Creativity Day and no matter how your creative self comes to life; this is the day to celebrate your unique creativity.  It’s also a great opportunity to acknowledge the creativity of others.

Creativity is intelligence having fun. – Albert Einstein

Ideas to Celebrate

Today, set aside some time to do something creative outside of your normal life and responsibilities.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • If you have an artistic go to that isn’t your normal job, do that.  Take photographs, paint, or sing. The choice is yours, just have fun.
  • Dive deeper into your creative type.  We covered these in this post.
  • Send a note to three people at work and celebrate the creativity they bring to the organization.
  • Plan an activity with others – Paint pottery, attend a class, or pull out some coloring books.

My Story

I continue to spend time thinking about how my creativity shows up.  The thread that seems to cross different areas is organization.  Visually, I like to work on layout and discover what “feels best”.  This can range from a photograph to a bookshelf, to a collage, to jewelry, and even marketing materials. The example in the photo of this post was being able to “see” what this coffee table thrown to the trash by someone could become.

The other way my creativity centers around organization is with ideas.  I like to gather a lot of information, pull insights, and present the information in a new and thought-provoking or helpful way.   This shows up in strategies created, ideas generated, and content (blog posts/books) written.

Today, I’m going to spend some time exploring the visual side and sending a few appreciation notes to celebrate the creativity of others in my life. 

Your Turn

How does your creativity show up?

What can you do today to create in a new way? 

How will you celebrate others creativity?