Every day we have a million thoughts running through our head.

To do lists.

Schedules to follow.

Memories of the past.

Hopes for the future.

In between we assess ourselves and “how we showed up”. 

Often with a bit of judgement.

Today, May 22nd, it’s time to set judgement and expectations aside and celebrate you!

International Being You Day

To celebrate this day, you are invited to explore what it means to be truly you.  Don’t think about what people “expect” of you or the need for perfection.  Set aside the should and should nots that surround meeting expectations of others and explore your best self.

Discover and celebrate your unique qualities and strengths. 

Have gratitude for those things you bring to the world.

Explore what brings you joy.

Ideas for the Day

There are many things you could do to celebrate your uniqueness today.  Here are just a few to consider:

  • Pull out self-assessments you’ve done as a reminder of your unique qualities.
  • Set aside self-criticism and judgement for the day.
  • Do something you’ve always wanted to do, but never found time to prioritize.
  • Write a list of three things that make you unique and feel gratitude for those qualities.
  • Make a list of things that make you happy and bring joy to your life.

My Plan

Today, I’m going to spend time with my CliftonStrengths report to see if new insights emerge about my unique qualities. 

I’m also going to schedule 30 minutes to go to a new location and take some photos.  I love photography and don’t usually take the time to seek out new locations to just relax and enjoy the time snapping images.

Your Turn

What are your unique qualities?

What activities bring you joy?

How could you spend some time celebrating your uniqueness today?