Today, April 10th, is National Encourage a Young Writer Day.

When we think of writing, all of us may have different types of writing that come to mind. 




Technical Writing.

What may not come to mind is everyday life.

We all write every day – even if writing is not our profession.  We craft emails. We write storylines of presentations. Some of us journal.

Suggestions for Encourage Young Writers Day include offering writing prompts, encouraging reading, trying different styles and voices, and creating a young writers group. 

The point is to provide the young people in your life with some encouragement to explore their writing and see what they discover.

My Perspective

The first suggestion – do this!  Find a way to encourage a young writer in your life.

My second suggestion – Expand this and encourage young people AND adults AND yourself.

Use today as inspiration to spend 15 minutes writing in a different way.  Try poetry or a short story.  If you don’t write a journal, try that.  The possibilities are endless.

Your Turn

Who is the young person in your life you will give some encouragement to today?

How do you use writing in your daily work life?

What new writing activity are you going to take on today?