Welcome to the Saturday PodList. This is the weekly post where I summarize several podcasts that inspired me throughout the week and give a quick recap of what was covered on the blog. Enjoy!


This week, four podcasts make the list. The first one is short (6 minutes), the middle two are 20-30 minutes, and the last one is long and well worth the listen. There isn’t a theme, just four solid options to consider for your listening this weekend.

Rename it to Reframe It – 6 minutes. Before Breakfast with Laura Vanderkam. The concept is to take things we don’t enjoy and rename them to make the task more pleasing.  There are some really good examples of how to do this provided.

Tomorrowmind – 27 minutes. The Accidental Creative with Todd Henry.  This episode is an interview with Dr. Gabriella Rosen Kellerman discussing her new book Tomorrowmind.  They discuss how we can learn from change in the past to prepare our minds for the future.  There were many moments in this discussion that got me thinking about where we have been and what the future might hold.

Bonus: What Works for Me – Rethinking Criticism! – 20 minutes. Hello Monday with Jessi Hempel.  The title says it all.  The episode discusses dealing with criticism, how it affects us and how we might rethink.

The Simple Life – 1 hour and 25 minutes. Deep Questions with Cal Newport.  These podcasts are long.  However, the first section (maybe 30 minutes) dives into a topic and then it moves to Q&As.  In the beginning of this episode, there are so many great thoughts.  Just a few include:

  • Overload is different from busyness – you get into an overhead tax.
  • We should strive to get closer to autonomy, meaning, and slowness.
  • Trade accountability for accessibility.

Blog Post Recap

Below is a summary of the blog posts this week with links in case you want to dig in and learn more.

Create a “Get a Grip” List – This post provided a strategy for times when life feels overwhelming.

Time for Curiosity – Tuesday covered the different types of curiosity and why it’s important to make time for it.

Sustainability and Tranquility – The opposite of luxury may be the new definition of luxury.

Needs vs. Wants – This post covered how we should use nouns instead of verbs to achieve goals.

From Want to Will – Continuing on the theme from Thursday, this post covers the benefit of shifting our internal language from “I want” to “I will”.