Yesterday, I covered clutter in relationship to “tidy”. Clutter was a collection of things laying around.  The assessment is subjective – what looks cluttered or messy to one person might look perfectly fine to another.  There are two other dimensions that can add to clutter that are worth exploring.

Abundance vs. Simplicity

I was first introduced to the concept of abundance and simplicity lovers from Gretchen Rubin about 10 years ago.  The simplicity lovers prefer to have less. Bare surfaces and shelves bring them joy. They seek out fewer choices and less supplies. They enjoy getting rid of things more than acquiring them.

On the opposite side are the abundance lovers.  These individuals prefer to have more. Collections and full spaces bring them joy. The enjoy a lot of choice and stock up on supplies. They prefer acquiring things rather than getting rid of them.

Gretchen suggests that this might also apply to non-visual stimulus like noise, scent, and touch.  I wonder if it extends beyond to areas like calendars and learning.

Pilers vs. Filers

I touched on this yesterday but wanted to cover the concept in more detail. 

Pilers like to visually see their items. Sitting out in plain view is a cue that the item exists. With this system, pilers know right where to look for their things.

Filers on the other hand, want their items contained.  In a box, a drawer, or a filing cabinet.  Keeping things out of sight provides peace of mind.

My Story

I aspire to be a simplicity lover and in some areas of my life I believe that I am.  However, when I dig deep, I lean more to abundance. While I LOVE a bare countertop, I have a lot of “things” in every room. When it comes to acquiring and disposing of things, the preference for me leans to the acquisition side.

Looking across all the attributes of the last two days, I would describe myself as a tidy, organized, filing, abundance lover.

Your Turn

Are you an abundance or a simplicity seeker?

A piler vs. a filer?

What is your overall description of the four attributes from the past two days?