Each year, I select a word to guide my ambitions and goals for the year ahead.  December is a great time to reflect on what has been accomplished and evaluate how the word guided my year.  I consider the impact that it had and start to set the foundation for the next year.

This year, I wanted to share some of my reflections.

The reflection gets to the ups and downs, highs and lows when significant personal development is happening. 

Change can be awesome, but it can be many other things.  I hope sharing my story can help when you are going through change and possibly feeling the same. You will know you are not alone.

My Story – A Year of Change

This year, my word was “Emerge”.  In January, I connected with definitions like “to become known or apparent” and “to come into being through evolution”.

The year was starting with me six months into a new role – EVP, Global Business Strategy.  After many years as a business leader, focusing on client work, the year was going to be different.  My goals included emerging as a sustainability leader, a coach, and a writer (a personal goal that has been on the back burner).

Looking back, I’m proud of the accomplishments I made.  A formal coaching program was established, team coaching workshops were successful, and the sustainability foundation for the agency was set. In addition, my book – One Shade Greener at Home – is set to launch in January.

While there have been great emotions along the way, I’ve also had feelings that weren’t so positive. 

I’ve been uncertain. 

I’ve second guessed if an approach I’m taking is “right” for things that have no roadmap. 

I’ve been sensitive to feedback because I’m nervous I might not “be good enough”.  

I’ve felt like an imposter in conversations with those further on their net zero journey wondering if I’ll ever know as much as them. 

I’ve been intimidated by many things. 

I’ve also been sad at times missing the role I used to have and the team I worked with.

What I realized is that these are the same feelings I’ve had every time I’ve made a career change – moving from engineering to marketing, the shift from individual contributor to team leader, the move from client side to the agency side, and more.

I’m now ready to make the leap again as I leave the agency and start 2023 with my own coaching and consulting business.  This is my passion. I have a background that is unique and an offering that is needed. 

I am confident and excited. 

I am also scared, intimidated, and sad to not see my coworkers everyday. 

I am these things because I am human.  We are all the perfect mix of “scared confidence” when change is afoot.

Before flipping to your turn, I want to highlight a quote I had in my 2022 vision back in January:

“Some changes look negative on the surface, but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.”  – Eckhart Tolle

There could not be a better quote for where I’ve been and where I’m headed in the year ahead.

I’ve been creating more space for something new to emerge.

Your Turn

As you reflect on your career or significant life changes, have you felt this mix?

Can you recall times that were such great opportunities that came with negative emotions?

Did your 2022 contain any change?  How did it feel?