Each year, I select a word of the year.

That word guides my direction and is a quick reminder of my goals and aspirations.

The practice began in 2015 and words have included: Lead, Create, Transform, Joyful, Edit, and more.

The word for 2023 was ALLOW.

The Background

Moving into the first year working for myself, I was struggling to plan in detail the way I had in the past.

While you might think my occupational wellbeing was the only thing shifting, that change impacted almost every other area of my wellbeing.

Financial wellbeing was no longer predictable.

Social wellbeing needed adjustments as I didn’t connect with my coworkers each day.

Emotional wellbeing had new feelings of uncertainty and other challenges.

Initially, I had landed on the work “Establish” for the year – creating this new business & lifestyle.

However, at the end of 2022, someone told me that I needed to relax and “allow” the year to unfold.

Immediately, that felt right.

I needed to get out of my own way and just allow the year to be what it would be.

The Process

While I did set monthly goals just like I always have, I found them much looser this year.

Not a task list to be done.

More mantras to remind myself how I wanted to show up.

Phrases like:

“Allow progress over perfection”

“Allow yourself to enjoy the moment.”

“Allow what I have to be enough.”

“Allow me to introduce myself.”

“Allow yourself to relax.”

“Allow the results to just be.”

I also purchased the necklace in the photo above to keep the reminder of my word front and center.

I’ve done this each year and love the collection that is growing.

The Results

Looking back over the year, the word has served me well.

Some of those mantras were said very frequently.

They pushed me to get out of my comfort zone.

Encouraged me to learn new things.

Enabled me to consider using something I already had in a new and unique way.  

Nudged me to do and not just think.

Overall, the word ALLOWED me to be me and show up in a new way.

Your Turn

Do you choose a word of the year? 

How might (or has) a word inspired you?

Considering your aspirations for 2024, what word could guide you?