I came across a note I had taken from a book or podcast that said this: “Paths (career/education) pull you back, while passions and purpose propel you forward.” Unknown The quote intrigued me and tied to the long-standing debate around following your passions. A...
Setting Goals
Life Quests
Yesterday, we discussed how personal development can be thought of as a quest. Thinking deeper about this, the journey of life is full of quests. Living on our own. Raising babies….toddlers…teenagers…young adults. Navigating our careers. Starting a business....
Personal Development Quests
An adventure is a trip without a destination. A journey is when experience is more important than the destination. The quest is focused on exploration and discovery seeking a goal or result. Quests are personally relevant and can be done alone or with a group. They...
A Personal Retreat
Life moves so fast we can easily get caught up in the whirlwind of responsibilities. The thing that is often neglected is essential to our well-being: taking time for ourselves. While we can take short moments for a walk or meditation, another option to consider is a...
Summer Project
Many take vacations during the time between the 4th of July and Labor Day weekend. Some take long trips with their family and friends. Some take Fridays off making every weekend a long weekend. Others take random days to go to a baseball game, zoo, water park, or...
Halfway Day
Yesterday, July 2nd was officially halfway day 2023. This is the midpoint of the year and a perfect time to reflect and plan. Look Back What has happened in the first half of the year? Accomplishments. Relationships developed. Changes made. Life events. Look Ahead...
A Letter to Your Future Self
Have you ever written a letter to your future self? There are many times we capture memories for our future self to come back to. We create time capsules to be opened in a prescribed year. We put photographs in albums to come back and remember moments in our...
Are You Productive?
The title of this post may cause many to stop reading. We are in a period of overwhelm. The word productive automatically generates thoughts of “do more”. However, the definition of productivity is to maximize output. This could involve solutions that shift inputs to...
Begin with Self-Awareness
Yesterday, the blog focused on a career bucket list. Our lists were likely full of all kinds of dreams. Creating an innovative approach to your work. Taking on a special project. Speaking at a prominent event. Achieving a promotion. Better work life integration....
Reflection as a Practice
We tend to “reflect” at the end of the year, the end of a big project, or another milestone. What if we made reflection a more regular practice – monthly, weekly, daily? What questions would we ask? My Story For the last 10 years, I’ve had a practice of...
Careers and the Corporate Ladder
For years, the corporate ladder has been used to describe the climb of an individual’s career. You move from independent worker to supervisor of a small team, to managing larger teams, and finally reaching the “top” of your organization or your area of...
Are Barnacles Holding You Back?
There was a concept from the book That Will Never Work by Mark Randolph the co-founder and first CEO of Netflix. He incorporated a process in business that he called “scraping the barnacles off the hull. Background For those who aren’t familiar, barnacles are marine...
From Want to Will
Yesterday, we covered the shift in language to change things you want to do from verbs to nouns. Instead of “I want to run more” you say, “I am a runner”. The subtle change is to shift your identity into that of a runner which will increase the likelihood that...
Needs vs. Wants
In my post on Saturday, I highlighted a Daily Boost Podcast titled How Bad Do You Want to Live Your Dreams. During this podcast, the host challenges us to think about the things we want in life. Below is the quote that really struck me: “You will always do what you...
The Long Run
When we think about our careers, we often don’t look beyond the next role or promotion we hope to achieve. Exploration of opportunities involves looking at the roles of others in your company or occasionally pursuing LinkedIn to see what interesting roles may be...
Who’s Really Holding You Back?
We all have goals. Become a writer. Lose weight. Get a promotion. Be more organized. Improve a relationship with a co-worker. The list is endless. Most goals we set are within reach. Yet, we struggle to make them happen. Why do we self-sabotage...
Self-Help: Two Sides to Personal Development
I’ve spent a lot of time struggling with the fact that personal development tends to fall into the category of “self-help”. Today, I did some research, dug under the surface, and came to some conclusions about the genre. Rooted in HELP The source of my challenge with...
Turn a Dream into a Plan
As January winds down, our resolutions may be starting to fade away as the year ramps into full swing. This is the perfect time to double down on a dream and turn it into a plan. Our dreams live in our heads. The things we want to do “someday”. Making the dream...
Seeds for What’s Next
This morning I listened to a podcast by Laura Vanderkam titled “Plant Seeds to Enjoy the Harvest”. The concept was that you need to intentionally plant seeds so that things have an opportunity for a harvest in the future. I think this is an interesting concept...
Achieving Goals
January is a time of setting goals, hopes, and aspirations for the year ahead. The dreaming part is exciting and fun. The doing part is where the fun can start to plummet. One of the best ways to improve your chances of meeting your goals is to increase...
Considering Your New Years Resolutions
There are many people who set New Year’s resolutions and we hear that most abandon them by mid-February at the latest. I wonder what’s the point of setting a resolution if you are going to give up 40 days into the 365? For those who do make resolutions, an...