I recently listened to a podcast on the TED Radio Hour titled “Daily Habits of a Longevity Expert”. During the interview, there was a conversation about food, exercise, and supplements. Dan Buettner who studies the Blue Zones, said that changing our environment –...
Setting Goals
Barriers to Wellbeing
When we consider our 8 dimensions of wellbeing, we likely have goals in each area. Some we may have set as New Year’s Resolutions. This time is when most are starting to give up. In fact, research has shown that less than 10% of us will actually meet the resolution....
Plan for the Barriers
No matter what goals we have set for the new year, we will hit barriers. The barriers one person encounters will likely be different than those of another. Knowing when you hit a barrier and having a strategy to overcome is important. Common Barriers Below is a list...
Hope – Making Goals a Reality
On a previous blog post, I introduced the Hope Theory developed by Charles Snyder. In that post, we discussed the formula for hope: HOPE = GOALS + PATHWAYS + AGENCY Since that time, I’ve been doing more research on the power of hope and this formula. I came across...
Wellbeing for 2024
2024 is officially here. The holiday season is so busy for many that goals for the year aren’t a focus. As we start the year, I encourage you to consider the 8 dimensions of wellbeing. Physical. Occupational. Financial. Social. Intellectual. Environmental. Emotional....
Hope & Possibilities
Welcome to 2024! This is the day we consider our dreams for the year ahead. The slate is clean. The year is full of hope and possibilities. “There is nothing magical about the flip of the calendar, but it represents a clean break, a new hope, and a blank canvas.” -...
New Year – Resolutions, Goals, or Aims?
As we look to the new year, many are considering what they want from the new year. Some conversations talk about resolutions. Others focus on goals. Even others talk about aims. So, what is the difference? With a bit of research, here’s what I’ve found: Resolutions:...
Word of the Year
Yesterday, I provided some highlights from my 2023 word of the year. There were some questions at the end to prompt you to consider your own word for 2024. That might have got you thinking. You might also have wondered where to start. There is no “right” process, but...
2023 Reflection – Year of Allow
Each year, I select a word of the year. That word guides my direction and is a quick reminder of my goals and aspirations. The practice began in 2015 and words have included: Lead, Create, Transform, Joyful, Edit, and more. The word for 2023 was ALLOW. The Background...
Vision for 2024
The last two weeks, the posts have covered the 8 dimensions of wellbeing – physical, emotional, occupational, financial, intellectual, social, spiritual, and environmental. For those who want to dive deeper, a 63-page workbook is available. After doing a reflection on...
Strategic Life Plans
Business strategy is a process. Plans are written each month, quarter, and year. Vision is set for 5-25 years in the future. Mission and values are defined. Action plans are created. Companies dedicate time and resources to create a solid foundation to guide the...
One Shade Greener – A Philosophy
In 2010, I founded One Shade Greener. A company focused on the was environment. Change habits one by one to lighten our impact on the earth. Each step moving us One Shade Greener. That was 13 years ago. Today, the mission and philosophy still stand. Yet, my...
Financial Wellbeing
Today, we will cover the 3rd dimension of wellbeing – Financial. Our financial wellbeing is tied tightly to our occupational wellbeing. The status of our finances can also impact all the other dimensions positively or negatively. The goal is to reach a sustainable...
Occupational Wellbeing
Our work is an integral part of our daily lives. The career choices we make shape our attitude and impact our overall wellbeing. Over time, many of us can find ourselves in a job not quite sure how we got there. Today we explore the second dimension of wellbeing -...
Physical Wellbeing
As mentioned in yesterday’s post, today is Day 1 providing an overview of each of the 8 dimensions of wellbeing. We will start the series with our physical wellbeing. This dimension considers our habits and how they positively or negatively affect our health. The goal...
Goal Setting
As we move toward the new year, many are starting to think about goals. I came across some stats from a Gallup poll that was fielded last December. Below are some of the headlines from the research: 33% were “very likely” to set goals and 38% were “somewhat likely”....
Reflections and Intentions
The year is winding to a close. We are frantically scurrying to wrap up projects for work, prepare for the holiday season, attend special events at school, and squeeze in social time with family and friends. Yet, the season between now and the first week of the new...
Avoiding Drift
We all have dreams for our life. Things we want to do someday. Often, we even set on a course to achieve those dreams. Then, life sets in. Drift happens. We lose control of our direction. We end up in places we never intended. “Drift is the decision you make by not...
Harnessing Hope
Hope has the potential to shape our lives in profound ways. Provide a spark that ignites our dreams. Motivate us to overcome adversity. Fuel our journey towards a brighter future. “A rainbow is a prism that sends shards of multicolored light in various directions. It...
Wishing and Working
We’ve likely all heard the quote: “You get what you work for, not what you wish for.” - Howard A. Tullman The concept is simple – achieving your dreams takes work. Wishing is the easy part. We can close our eyes and imagine a future filled with achievements and...
Actions, Ideas, and Connections
There was a podcast listened to at least a year ago where I captured a note on my phone. This was the note: Tasks Done People Met Ideas Generated and Acted On I think this might have been an interview with Dorie Clark discussing her book The Long Game. However,...