The term "cycle" in gaming refers to a repeating sequence or loop of actions. This concept keeps players engaged by providing a rhythm or routine. The repetitive actions can be learned and mastered over time. Cycles can be short or long, simple or complex. They...
Setting Goals
Life Quests: Exploring Game Design
In video games, quests are a fundamental component. They guide players, provide challenges, and offer rewards. They make the journey worthwhile. This concept of a "quest" can be applied to real life, to our personal development. What is a Quest? A quest is a task or a...
Do the Work – Bit By Bit
We all have goals across all areas of our life. We also sometimes know the path to achieve the goal we have. Yet, somehow, the goal seems elusive. Sitting there for someone else to achieve – not us. We have excuses. Fears. Avoidance. The goal is right there taunting...
Systems Support Goals
As we move into the new year, many of us have set goals. There is a lot of conversation about creating habits and routines. However, what may be more important is setting up systems. Systems to ensure our planned actions (habits & routines) happen. Systems for...
MeEO – Setting Goals and Measuring Results
As we enter a new year, performance measures are being set at work. We begin talking about OKRs and KPIs. Breaking annual goals down into quarters and months. This is a natural part of our work environment. As a MeEO, we also need to think about our goals for the year...
Type of Year
Last year, I came across a framework from Jay Shetty. He suggested each year has one of four themes: Learn. Experiment. Perform. Thrive. I wrote about the concept here and tried to consider prior years and my year ahead. This year, I’ve been incorporating the concept...
Personal Mission Statements
We’ve all heard of mission statements for companies. They add purpose and clarity to the role the business wants to play in society. What if we took this concept and applied it to ourselves. We could develop overall mission statements. Or go deep on a mission...
10 Steps to Kickoff Your Path to MeEO
A MeEO. Taking charge of our career and life. The title sounds great. The question is – how do we get there? The journey takes time and will be refined over time. Yet, all journeys start somewhere. Here are 10 steps you can take this week on your path to MeEO. 10 – 10...
Breaking Down Goals
We’ve seen the books – Atomic Habits, Tiny Habits, and even my book, One Shade Greener at Home. They focus on starting with the smallest habits and build over time to accomplish great things. This is a great approach especially when you begin to work toward a goal....
5 Steps to a Vision and Goals for 2025
As the year begins to wind down, we start to consider our dreams for the year ahead. The year seems full of possibilities. A clean slate. Yet, many of us don’t take the time to really think about what we want. Surface level goals are set. Get a promotion. Lose weight....
2025 Bucket List
Yesterday, we covered the idea of setting 3 small goals in each dimension of wellbeing. This activity is also focused on our goals for the year but takes a different twist. What if we were creating a bucket list for the year ahead. A bucket list is defined as: The...
Little Goals for 2025
As we look at the year ahead, we may have big goals. A promotion at work. Run a marathon. Improve our health. Write a book. Big. The long game. What about the short game? The projects that might take place in one afternoon or over a weekend. Changing a light fixture....
Exploring Possibilities
The dictionary defines possibility as “the power or capacity of someone or something”. When we think about what is possible, the future is full of potential. “It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” – Paul Coehlo At its core,...
How Do You Want to Feel?
Often hopes and dreams for the future are stated with goals. A promotion. A larger / different house. To start a family. Some time to myself. A day off. The list could go on and on. One question we often don’t ask is how do we want to feel? At work. At home. With our...
Celebrate the Year
As we move into December, we move into holiday celebrations. Our minds shift to reflect on the past year. What went well and what we might have done differently. Around the middle of the month (or sooner), we start to shift our thinking. We start looking forward to...
Be Audacious
The other day, I heard someone use the word audacious. The word means bold, fearless ambition. Being audacious isn’t about being reckless. It’s having the courage to pursue something beyond the norm. Taking bold strides toward a future that others might think...
Lifestyle Planning
On an episode of Cal Newport’s podcast, he talked about lifecycle-centric planning. The episode was great and led me to this blog post on his website. The primary message is this: “Fix the lifestyle you want. Then work backwards from there.” – Cal Newport The entire...
Lessons on Transitions
With football season in full swing, I was reminded of an interview with Drew Brees. He was on the news back in the spring. Talking about his transition to a post-football life. I was particularly drawn to one quote: “My priorities are shifting from success to...
Bravery Overcomes Regret
In an episode of Self-Improvement Daily, the 2-minute episode covered this quote: “If courage is taking action despite fear, then bravery is the solution to regret.” – Brian Ford The idea of bravery being a solution to regret resonated with me. In particular, I...
From Goals to Projects
What if we shifted our thinking about our goals at work? Instead, we could think of them as projects. With a project, we assess the current situation. We identify gaps between where we are and where we want to be. Roadblocks are discussed. Deliverables are split into...
Prioritizing Development
As we move through the third quarter, we may already start thinking about the year ahead. Nothing specific, just ideas. Where might we want to focus? What could we change to make our lives just a bit better. Some ideas will be small. Others will have more of an...