Self Awareness



A couple weeks ago, I wrote about lifequakes in a post about job loss. Lifequakes are disruptive life moments that can be negative or positive. A few negative examples include job loss, death of a loved one, or divorce. Positive quakes can include having a baby,...

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Work-Life balance. Harmony. Integration. Lots of words have been used. Much debate has been had. Is balance possible? Balance is not only possible, it’s a fact. There is balance in your life. Every day we each have 24 hours. List how the last 24 were spent. Create...

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Are You Procrastinating?

Are You Procrastinating?

I recently listened to a Marie Forleo podcast episode about procrastination. Some of the stats she shared were shocking: The average person spends 218 minutes a day or 55 days a year procrastinating. And procrastination costs the US economy 70 billion a year! She also...

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Overcoming Weakness

Overcoming Weakness

I’ve been thinking about weaknesses lately. For those who know me, I prefer the Gallup CliftonStrengths approach to strength-based growth. In fact, when I do talk about weaknesses, I often mention “strengths in overdrive”. Because when our strengths are in overdrive...

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A Great Procrastination Tip!

A Great Procrastination Tip!

I’ve read and listened to so many ideas on procrastination. Today, I heard a tip on an episode of Optimal Living Daily that was brilliant and new to me. The concept is called “The Habit Rule of Half” and was developed by Anthony Ongaro. You can read all the details in...

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Life Personas

Life Personas

Personas are used as a foundation in marketing to communicate customer details. These descriptions give the customer personality and “life”. I was wondering if this concept could be applied as we work to design our career and life. My idea was to use personas to...

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4 Hours a Day

4 Hours a Day

According to two older articles from Inc Magazine and The Guardian, the amount of creative work hours that knowledge workers are able to handle each day is 4.  Yes, four total hours of deep work. They looked at science and examples from historical thought leaders to...

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What is Wealth?

What is Wealth?

There was a quote by James Clear that got me thinking: “There are 4 types of wealth: Financial Wealth (money) Social Wealth (status) Time Wealth (freedom) Physical Wealth (health) Be wary of jobs that lure you in with 1 and 2 but rob you of 3 and 4.” - James Clear We...

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Bravery Overcomes Regret

Bravery Overcomes Regret

In an episode of Self-Improvement Daily, the 2-minute episode covered this quote: “If courage is taking action despite fear, then bravery is the solution to regret.” – Brian Ford The idea of bravery being a solution to regret resonated with me. In particular, I...

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What Type of Imposter?

What Type of Imposter?

We’ve likely all heard about (and felt) imposter syndrome. These are the times we compare ourselves to others and feel inadequate. The formal definition is “the persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a...

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Career Insight Chart

Career Insight Chart

Discovering the jobs that are right for us is a career endeavor. We start in entry level positions. Move laterally in different types of roles. Promotions happen. Along the way, our responsibilities change. Each role brings things we enjoy doing and things we wish we...

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Insight From Childhood

Insight From Childhood

One of my favorite childhood pastimes - logic puzzles! Sometimes it’s hard to look at our life and understand approaches, passions, and tendencies. Instead of focusing on the here and now, another technique is to look back at our childhood. Our first 20 years are...

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Unveiling Hidden Talents

Unveiling Hidden Talents

Our resume. Our LinkedIn profile. These are the gateways to highlighting our skills and experiences. However, what about the talents that don't neatly fit into bullet points or job titles?   These hidden gems can significantly enhance our professional profile.   Set...

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Finding Our Identity

Finding Our Identity

You may have heard of the book The Good Enough Job. Written by Simone Stolozoff the book pushes us to consider embracing a job that we find fulfilling and that fits into the rest of the life we want to lead. Sometimes this might mean moving down the ladder in our...

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Where Did My Identity Go?

Where Did My Identity Go?

A couple days ago, we covered “What Just Happened?”. The immediate feeling we get after losing a job. We covered how that moment is the start of a lifequake. Creeping up right behind the start of the lifequake is “Where Did My Identity Go?”. When working for a...

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Navigating the Grief of Job Loss

Navigating the Grief of Job Loss

Losing a job is much more than just losing a source of income.   We lose our routine. Our daily interactions with co-workers. A piece of our identity. Just like other significant losses, we can go on the emotional journey of grief.   Understanding the stages can help...

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Time to Reimagine

Time to Reimagine

On a recent episode of Edit Your Life podcast, Christine Koh interviews Kate Fogarty about reimagining midlife. They talk about midlife shifts like children moving out, caring for aging parents, physical changes, menopause, ageism, careers, and more. One point she...

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Exploring Character Traits

Exploring Character Traits

Another area of self-awareness that is valuable to explore is character traits. For this assessment, we look to the Via Character Traits.  This assessment was developed in the early 2000s to help individuals focus on their character strengths. What You Will Learn...

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Pain and Vision

Pain and Vision

Yesterday, I had a coaching session and my coach introduced me to a quote. “Pain pushes until vision pulls.” – Michael Beckwith We can take this quote as a physical pain or a pain from the loss of someone close to us. However, we can also apply this to the pain...

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Busy Boredom

Busy Boredom

My recent research has led me to two statistics that I found difficult to reconcile. Stress and boredom. Multiple reports and studies have been citing the rise in knowledge worker stress.  Current levels marked by the StressPulse report indicates that 59% of workers...

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A New Angle on Pricing

A New Angle on Pricing

We all have prices we charge. Our salary. A product we sell. A service we offer. Often, conversations about pricing are challenging. We question if we are charging too much…. or too little….and often go in with uncertainty. Cathy Heller shifted this perspective on...

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