My yearlong project to spend 15-minutes a day tackling projects around the house continued. For this final post of the year, I’ll highlight what happened in Q4, discuss how the project “drifted”, and on what I learned, and consider the year ahead. The Progress Like...
Organizing at Home
Recognizing a “Hot Mess”
In an episode of Organize365, Jacqui Ioli was a guest. She and Lisa discussed the “Hot Mess theory”. This was a concept Jacqui had developed while supervising outpatient nurses. There were four situations that led to the Hot Mess: Overwork – This occurs when there is...
Sustainable Projects
There was an interesting discussion on an episode of Adam Grant’s podcast Work Life. Adam spoke with psychologist and author Brian Little about how our projects impact our wellbeing. Brian wrote the books “Me, Myself, and Us” and “Who are You Really?” He...
Closing the Year
The 4th quarter is a time to summarize the year and prepare for the year ahead. As we get closer to the holidays, the time available to do this summary becomes more difficult. This leaves many scrambling in the first quarter to pull things together while kicking...
15-Minute Project – Q3 Update
I’m continuing updates on my yearlong project to spend 15-minues a day tackling projects. Over 20 years in the house and there are many little (and big) things that need addressed. Progress was captured in the January intention and the Q1 & Q2 summary posts. While...
Slowing Down to Speed Up
When a new project comes up, the natural response is to dive right in and start to get things done. However, taking a little time to plan the activity can save time and lead to greater success. There are several reasons why planning sets us on a better path:...
Spread Out vs. Spend Out
In an earlier post, we talked about a pairing tied to how you might approach an hour of free time. Today, we will look at another word pair as it relates to how we balance our professional work and the work we do to run our homes. This concept covers all home...
Explore Your Inner Pack Rat
A pack rat is a rodent who collects things. They tend to accumulate mounds of sticks and debris in their nest hole. They are prone to collect shiny things. The things they collect are often unneeded. Yet, they hold on to them. We are like this too. We may not collect...
The Process of Memories
There was an episode of the Organize 365 podcast that mentioned the concept of memory making and memory preserving. The comment was in the context of a lifetime, indicating there are years that are heavy in memory producing (possibly while raising children)....
National Clean Up Your Room Day
Today, May 10th is National Clean Up Your Room Day. This is a perfect opportunity to take a few minutes and clean the spaces where you spend your time working. Removing clutter often creates the space needed to think more clearly and creatively. You can...
15 Minutes Makes a Difference
In early January, I had written a post titled "Start by Starting". The concept was to pick a present moment in time and place AND begin an activity or undertaking. I brought up the dreaded task of cleaning and organizing my basement. My idea was to tackle the project...
Clutter – Where to Start?
Last week on the blog, we covered clutter and organization through the lens of self-awareness. Starting to reduce clutter and feel more in control of your life and stuff starts with that awareness. Once we have some insight, it’s time to shift gears and focus on...
Digging Deeper Into Clutter
Yesterday, I covered clutter in relationship to “tidy”. Clutter was a collection of things laying around. The assessment is subjective – what looks cluttered or messy to one person might look perfectly fine to another. There are two other dimensions that can add to...
Clutter and Organization are Different
Recently, I went to visit my college student at his apartment. We had fun catching up, running errands, and cleaning his apartment. Well, I had fun cleaning and organizing his apartment….I’m not so sure he enjoyed the process! That leads me to this post. How do...
Moving from Defense to Offense
When life gets busy, we can suddenly find ourselves running our lives in defense mode. We are going to the meetings, completing deliverables, getting the kids to events, making meals, and all the other things. These are the times that we feel like we are on defense...
Storage is a “Store”
The concept of treating your storage areas like a “store” was first introduced to me years ago by Lisa Woodruff on her podcast Organize365. The idea is to go to your storage room to “shop” for things you don’t need in your everyday life. Things like...
Thinking of My Tomorrow Self
Photo Credit - Lori Sullivan I've read and heard a lot about considering your "future self" in your focus "today". Advice tends to mention things like investing for the future, eating well, reading, traveling, getting out of your comfort zone, and much more. I agree...
Book Review – The Paper Solution
Photo Credit - Lori Sullivan Photography I have listened to Lisa Woodruff's podcast Organize 365 for the last several years and was excited to pick up The Paper Solution when it was released. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who feels like they have...
Photo Journaling – Life in Pictures
Several years ago, I joined an online group who took a picture a day. I was taking classes to get my Photography Certificate and I thought that committing to taking a photo a day would help me work on my skills. While the daily practice has definitely got me to try...