The latest book by Gretchen Rubin, Life in Five Senses, was recently released and I highly recommend. I’ve been hearing about the development of the book on the Happier podcast that she hosts with her sister Elizabeth Craft. As you might imagine, I was excited to...
How Will You Be Creative Today?
We are all creative. We look at the world in a unique way and bring our perspective to the world. Some of us may point our creativity at the arts and paint, sing, or dance. Others may point our creativity toward business and create strategies and project plans. Some...
Encourage Writing
Today, April 10th, is National Encourage a Young Writer Day. When we think of writing, all of us may have different types of writing that come to mind. Fiction. Poetry. Journalism. Technical Writing. What may not come to mind is everyday life. We all write every...
Your Mind is not a Container & ChatGPT
When we talk about careers and life in general there is always a focus on lifelong learning. Growth and development are promoted to keep ideas fresh and avoid becoming stagnant. When I ran across the quote below, I realized that it’s not enough to just learn we...
The Sleeping Mind
In the blog post on Friday, we discussed how Maya Angelou works to keep her little mind busy so her big mind can be present. Another time the small mind, or portion of the brain that deals with executive function, is preoccupied is when we sleep. Instead of...
A Lesson from Maya Angelou
This week, we’ve talked a lot about creativity. We covered barriers to creativity, the cluttered mind, identifying your creative type, and the balance of discipline and distraction. The last post of the series will build on the theme of distraction we discussed...
The Delicate Balance of Creativity
This week we continue to explore creativity and the ways in which we can foster our creative thinking. There seems to be a delicate balance between discipline and discovery. The discipline is to create even during times that ideas aren’t naturally flowing....
Finding Your Creative Type
As we reviewed in Monday’s post, many people do not think of themselves as creative. The incorrect assumption is that if you aren’t an “artist” or in a “creative job/department”, you aren’t creative. Studies have shown that our creativity peaks when we are under...
Clutter and Creativity
When it comes to creativity, there are mixed messages on mental clutter. On the one hand, a mind cluttered with many experiences and different pieces of knowledge can leverage the information to make new connections and spark creativity. On the other hand, a mind...
The Era of Creativity
There has been a lot written in the past 2-3 years about a move from the Information Era to the Era of Creativity. Businesses will survive by continuing to innovate and develop creative ideas. In fact, the World Economic forum identified that creativity is or is...