Clearing Clutter

Clutter – Where to Start?

Clutter – Where to Start?

Last week on the blog, we covered clutter and organization through the lens of self-awareness.  Starting to reduce clutter and feel more in control of your life and stuff starts with that awareness. Once we have some insight, it’s time to shift gears and focus on...

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Weekly PodList and Recap – 3.25.22

Weekly PodList and Recap – 3.25.22

Each week, I listen to a LOT of podcasts. On Saturday's, I'm going to start providing a list of some that inspired me throughout the week. There will never be more than 1-2 hours of content referenced. My notes may provide enough summary or they will guide you on...

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Clutter at Work

Clutter at Work

The last few days we’ve been talking about clutter and the differences in what each of us sees and why it matters.  The focus has been primarily around clutter at home.  What happens when we bring the concept to our work? Work clutter may be less visible...

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Digging Deeper Into Clutter

Digging Deeper Into Clutter

Yesterday, I covered clutter in relationship to “tidy”. Clutter was a collection of things laying around.  The assessment is subjective – what looks cluttered or messy to one person might look perfectly fine to another.  There are two other dimensions that can add to...

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Clutter and Organization are Different

Clutter and Organization are Different

Recently, I went to visit my college student at his apartment. We had fun catching up, running errands, and cleaning his apartment. Well, I had fun cleaning and organizing his apartment….I’m not so sure he enjoyed the process! That leads me to this post.  How do...

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Clutter and Creativity

Clutter and Creativity

When it comes to creativity, there are mixed messages on mental clutter. On the one hand, a mind cluttered with many experiences and different pieces of knowledge can leverage the information to make new connections and spark creativity. On the other hand, a mind...

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Storage is a “Store”

Storage is a “Store”

The concept of treating your storage areas like a “store” was first introduced to me years ago by Lisa Woodruff on her podcast Organize365.   The idea is to go to your storage room to “shop” for things you don’t need in your everyday life.  Things like...

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What’s Holding Creativity Back?

What’s Holding Creativity Back?

Businesses large and small are focused on creativity and innovation to stay relevant and lead their field. For those who aren’t creating, they feel they are falling behind.  Companywide goals are set. Yet many individuals and teams struggle to find space for...

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Start by Starting

Start by Starting

This phrase came into being about a year ago in conversation with members of The Carbon Almanac community. We were talking about the tendency to postpone or avoid projects that are large, daunting, and don’t have a clear solution. The idea was that if you just did...

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Exploring Negative Space

Exploring Negative Space

I am part of a wonderful online photography group – 365 Picture Today.  The group provides a photo prompt every day of the year.  I joined to continue to refine my photography skills and found a wonderful and inspirational group of photographers. Yesterday,...

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