Career Development

Moving from Defense to Offense

Moving from Defense to Offense

When life gets busy, we can suddenly find ourselves running our lives in defense mode. We are going to the meetings, completing deliverables, getting the kids to events, making meals, and all the other things. These are the times that we feel like we are on defense...

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Plus. Minus. Equal.

Plus. Minus. Equal.

I listened to a two-part podcast (7 minutes each) of Optimal Living Daily titled “Seven Steps to Learn and Master Anything by James Altucher”.  The purpose of the episodes was to provide steps to master activities faster than the suggested 10,000 hours it takes to...

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What’s Holding Creativity Back?

What’s Holding Creativity Back?

Businesses large and small are focused on creativity and innovation to stay relevant and lead their field. For those who aren’t creating, they feel they are falling behind.  Companywide goals are set. Yet many individuals and teams struggle to find space for...

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Enjoy the Landings

Enjoy the Landings

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average person holds 12.4 jobs between the ages of 18 and 54.  Those jobs often span 5-7 different careers.  I often hear when someone wants to make a career change that the main thing holding them back...

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Careers are Like a Garden

Careers are Like a Garden

Yesterday, I covered how we need to plant seeds so that things grow in the future.  This got me thinking about how to work “seed planting” into everyday routines.  That’s when the realization hit me.  Most of us spend so much of our days watering and...

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Seeds for What’s Next

Seeds for What’s Next

This morning I listened to a podcast by Laura Vanderkam titled “Plant Seeds to Enjoy the Harvest”.  The concept was that you need to intentionally plant seeds so that things have an opportunity for a harvest in the future.  I think this is an interesting concept...

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