This week, I found a TED Talk with Sarah Ellis and Helen Tupper. They were talking about concepts from their book – The Squiggly Career. They say the challenge in moving to squiggly careers stems from the “legacy of the ladder”. Climbing the ladder is engrained in the...
Career Development
Interview Personalities
I recently listened to a HBR Podcast titled "What’s Your Interview Style?”. The episode interviewed Anna Papalia about her book: Interviewology: The New Science of Interviewing She covers the four types of interviewers/interviewees that are covered in her book. There...
LinkedIn “Open to Work” Gets Mixed Reviews
Fast Company recently published an article this spring on the LinkedIn “open to work” badge. The content provides the pros and cons of using the badge on your profile. And, if you choose to use it should you use it for everyone or just recruiters? There are obvious...
Lessons on Transitions
With football season in full swing, I was reminded of an interview with Drew Brees. He was on the news back in the spring. Talking about his transition to a post-football life. I was particularly drawn to one quote: “My priorities are shifting from success to...
Career Insight Chart
Discovering the jobs that are right for us is a career endeavor. We start in entry level positions. Move laterally in different types of roles. Promotions happen. Along the way, our responsibilities change. Each role brings things we enjoy doing and things we wish we...
Renting Our Titles
I saw a LinkedIn post that referenced a quote by Thasunda Brown Ducket, President & CEO of TIAA. “What I know today, as a leader, is that I rent my title, but I own my character,” - Thasunda Brown Ducket. There is so much impact in this statement. Our titles are...
Career Stories
I was in a group where we were talking about interviews. These could be formal job interviews, a “coffee chat” at a townhall meeting, a podcast interview, a segment on the local news, a conference panel, and more. We discussed how the stress of the moment can make...
Special Sauce
We each have a special sauce. The things that make our blend of humanness unique from anyone else. The way we manage our time. The value we bring to a project. The goals we have in life. The approach we take to building relationships. The list goes on and on. Knowing...
Unveiling Hidden Talents
Our resume. Our LinkedIn profile. These are the gateways to highlighting our skills and experiences. However, what about the talents that don't neatly fit into bullet points or job titles? These hidden gems can significantly enhance our professional profile. Set...
Creating a Sustainable Career
What is a sustainable career? We might jump to environmental and social impact. This could be part of the equation. However, a sustainable career isn't just about external contributions. A sustainable career is one that we can maintain and thrive in over the long...
CliftonStrengths – Thinking Themes in the Job Search
We can use our CliftonStrengths to support us in all areas of our life. Today is the final day of posts on how we can use our strengths to drive a job search – our overall approach and updating our resume. Below is a summary of each Relationship Theme and some tips on...
Clifton Strengths – Relationship Themes in the Job Search
We can use our CliftonStrengths to support us in all areas of our life. Today is Day 4 of posts on how we can use our strengths to drive a job search – both our overall approach and updating our resume. Below is a summary of each Relationship Theme and some tips on...
Clifton Strengths – Influencing Themes in the Job Search
As noted in the Monday post, we can use our CliftonStrengths to support us in all areas of our life. They can guide us to a plan that feels right for each of us. This post dives into how those with Influencing Themes can highlight their talents on their resume AND use...
CliftonStrengths – Executing Themes in the Job Search
As mentioned in the post yesterday, we can use our CliftonStrengths to support us in all areas of our life. They can guide us to a plan that feels right for each of us. Actions that leverage who we are at our core. This post dives into how those with Executing Themes...
Searching for Jobs with CliftonStrengths
When resumes are updated, we consider our strengths. How can we highlight what makes us unique? In the search for that special sauce, those who have taken CliftonStrengths have a great tool. We can use insights from the report to integrate words in our resume. We can...
Jobs Around Our Life
Most people I know work their lives in around their work. Vacations are scheduled when time off is approved. Friends and family get attention when we aren’t working. Weeks are planned around office hours and locations. What happens when we flip the priority and ask...
The Role of the Job
In over 25 years, my job has always been more than a “job”. I’ve loved the work. The people. The companies I work for. I lean in. I read books and take classes on topics I’m less familiar with. I work long hours – early in the morning, in the evening, on the weekend,...
Becoming a MeEO
The concept of becoming a MeEO is appealing. A life where we are in control and satisfied with all 8 dimensions of wellbeing. We have a clear vision for our career, solid relationships, and activities that energize us. This is a great vision, but what can we do to...
Popping Life Bubbles
We all live in bubbles. The structures, expectations, and routines of our life form the bubbles. We know the world from inside these places, but often miss what’s on the outside. The longer we live in one place, work for one company, or stay in one occupation, the...
Where Did My Identity Go?
A couple days ago, we covered “What Just Happened?”. The immediate feeling we get after losing a job. We covered how that moment is the start of a lifequake. Creeping up right behind the start of the lifequake is “Where Did My Identity Go?”. When working for a...
Navigating the Grief of Job Loss
Losing a job is much more than just losing a source of income. We lose our routine. Our daily interactions with co-workers. A piece of our identity. Just like other significant losses, we can go on the emotional journey of grief. Understanding the stages can help...