The MeEO Minute
The way we work, grow, and succeed is changing. I’m here to explore what that means for you. This blog is a collection of insights, strategies, and reflections designed to help you become a MeEO and take ownership of your career and life.
I pull from books, podcasts, research, and personal experiences to uncover practical ways to stabilize, grow, and thrive in today’s evolving world. If you’re looking to create a stronger, more sustainable foundation for your career and life, you’re in the right place.
Let’s build something great—together!
What Is A Personal Brand?
We all have a personal brand. It’s how people perceive us. What they think about our work – what we do and how we do it. It’s what others talk about when we aren’t in the room. We may not want to have a personal brand. We may not like the one we have. Or we may want...
Be Audacious
The other day, I heard someone use the word audacious. The word means bold, fearless ambition. Being audacious isn’t about being reckless. It’s having the courage to pursue something beyond the norm. Taking bold strides toward a future that others might think...
Companies Are Collections of People
When we talk about the relationship between employers and employees, there is a focus on policy. Retirement plans, benefits, salary, hours, location where work is done, etc. There is less conversation about people. People are the ones making the decisions and doing...
Weekly Summary – 11.2.24
Welcome to the Saturday Summary! I hope you enjoy and connect with a few ideas. What I’ve Posted – Blog Summary The posts this week go in several different directions. The two that tie closely to topics I’m digging deeper into include Career Insurance and the Roles of...
The 6 Disciplines of Strategy
The Next Big Idea Daily featured an episode summarizing Michael Watkins book the The 6 Disciplines of Strategic Thinking. He describes the 6 disciplines like this: “The set of mental capabilities to recognize emerging threats & opportunities, set the right...
Career Insurance
I know, there isn’t a career insurance product. It’s interesting when you think about it. We insure our homes. Our cars. Our health. Protecting ourselves if something bad happens. We have a financial “safety net” for unplanned events. When it comes to our income… Our...
Atmosphere Engineering
A new co-working space opened in Detroit called The Creators Nest. I love the name. And the concept of the creator space. The founders, Adam & Stephanie Vaught developed the co-working space for creatives. A place where they could come and be inspired to do their...
Roles of the MeEO
A MeEO realizes their role is to be the Chief Executive Officer of their life & career. They are in charge and accountable to the “Board of Directors” of their choice. I searched for the “Top 10” responsibilities of a CEO and adapted the list for the MeEO. The...
Intergenerational Job Sharing
Yesterday, I thought I had a thought: What if a company created job share roles that created a partnership between an experienced and a early career employee? My theory was that the pairing would provide benefits to all involved. The structure could be set up in...
Weekly Summary – 10.26.24
Welcome to the Saturday recap. Enjoy! What I’ve Posted – Blog Summary There are several posts this week I’m excited about. If I had to pick a favorite, it would probably be the superhero self. Giving us power when confidence is low. Are You a Book or a Tree? Gretchen...
What Type of Networker are You?
Networking is a funny thing. Some love it and some don’t. Books have been written about different types. The book Networking Personalities, identifies nine types of networkers described below: The Master Networker: Considered the ideal, with a balanced approach of...
Our Superhero Self
Throughout our life and career, we will take hits to our confidence. A project gone awry. Being laid off. Overlooked for a promotion. Rejection. Negative feedback. The list is endless. Depending on the scale of the hit, our confidence can waver for a day or years. On...
Personal Branding vs. Self Promotion
Personal branding and self-promotion – what is the difference? Some people blend the two together and use them interchangeably. Yet, they are not the same. Your personal brand is with you for the long term. Something you grow and nurture over time. On the other hand,...
Professional Reading
As a reader, when I look at reading stats, I’m surprised. Looking at this chart, nearly half of people (46%) in the US didn’t read a book last year. Then, I wondered how many read professionally. Research suggests only 21% (11 in 100) of readers choose business books....
Are You a Book or a Tree?
Gretchen Rubin has started posing this question: “Are you a book with chapters or a tree with roots?” – Gretchen Rubin She is trying to learn more about how people look at the phases of their life. Do you move from chapter to chapter or branch out from your roots? To...