The MeEO Minute

The way we work, grow, and succeed is changing. I’m here to explore what that means for you. This blog is a collection of insights, strategies, and reflections designed to help you become a MeEO and take ownership of your career and life.

I pull from books, podcasts, research, and personal experiences to uncover practical ways to stabilize, grow, and thrive in today’s evolving world. If you’re looking to create a stronger, more sustainable foundation for your career and life, you’re in the right place.

Let’s build something great—together! 

Forcing Mechanisms

Most of my life, I’ve used the term “forcing mechanism”. The situation might be when there was a presentation looming. The deadline forced me to figure out challenge that had been working in the background. I’ve been thinking about forcing mechanisms lately. There are...
Sustainable Projects

Sustainable Projects

There was an interesting discussion on an episode of Adam Grant’s podcast Work Life. Adam spoke with psychologist and author Brian Little about how our projects impact our wellbeing. Brian wrote the books “Me, Myself, and Us” and “Who are You Really?”  He...

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What’s the Vibe

What’s the Vibe

The other day, a comment on TV caught my attention. Lil Jon, the rapper, was talking about feng shui. Seeming out of character, my ears perked up. His next comment was “every home has a vibe”. Apparently, I’ve been out of the loop as his HGTV show now has two seasons!...

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Personal Planning Day

Personal Planning Day

Work is full of planning and goal setting. Annual business plans. Monthly plans to meet sales goals. Weekly planning meetings. Daily to-do lists that tie to those goals and plans. Yet, we don’t typically have that same type of planning for our career and our life...

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Closing the Year

Closing the Year

The 4th quarter is a time to summarize the year and prepare for the year ahead. As we get closer to the holidays, the time available to do this summary becomes more difficult. This leaves many scrambling in the first quarter to pull things together while kicking...

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PodList & Summary -11.4.23

PodList & Summary -11.4.23

Welcome to the Saturday post. Below is a quick recap of what was covered on both the personal development and sustainability blogs this week as well as some podcasts that inspired me. Enjoy! Personal Development Post Recap Below is a summary of the personal...

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Are We Managing Our Time?

Are We Managing Our Time?

I came across some research statistics that I struggled to believe were true. The article suggests that 82% of people don’t have a time management system. The average worker spends 51% of every workday on low to no value tasks. Only 20% of employees feel their work is...

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Lilies and Leeches

Lilies and Leeches

I listened to a recent interview with author, psychiatrist, and ADHD expert Dr. Ned Hallowell.    In this interview, he talked about the concept of lilies and leeches. Leeches are the things in your life that waste your time and attention. In contrast, the...

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Do Less – Achieve More

Do Less – Achieve More

When we are overworked and overwhelmed, we don’t know how to slow down. We fear that stopping for even a few minutes will put us even further behind. We rush through work. Rush through evenings. Hold hope that we will catch up on the weekends. We don’t. The cycle...

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Taking Notes Isn’t Enough

Taking Notes Isn’t Enough

There are two things I heard recently that seemed interesting to consider. Cal Newport mentioned the benefits of scheduling 30 minutes after a meeting. In this time, we can review our notes and handle actions that can be done quickly. The second was a comment from...

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Harnessing Hope

Harnessing Hope

Hope has the potential to shape our lives in profound ways. Provide a spark that ignites our dreams. Motivate us to overcome adversity. Fuel our journey towards a brighter future. “A rainbow is a prism that sends shards of multicolored light in various directions. It...

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Podlist & Summary – 10.28.23

Podlist & Summary – 10.28.23

Welcome to the Saturday post. Below is a quick recap of what was covered on both the personal development and sustainability blogs this week as well as some podcasts that inspired me. Enjoy! Personal Development Post Recap Below is a summary of the personal...

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Wellbeing Journey

Wellbeing Journey

Gallup has a simple metric to measure an individual’s wellbeing. There are two questions to evaluate your present and future life. The scale classifies people as suffering, struggling, or thriving based on the response. Based on the 2023 State of the Global Workplace,...

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Engaged and Thriving (or not)

Engaged and Thriving (or not)

Gallup has focused on measuring employee engagement for over 20 years. Since 2009, engagement has been steadily rising through 2020. Then, the decline began. 2021 brought a drop from 36% to 34% and with the 2022 data the numbers are now down to 32%. This takes us back...

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Loving Our Careers

Loving Our Careers

There are two distinctive camps when it comes to loving our work. Do what you love. OR Love what you do. Do what you love suggests we follow our passion. “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” - Confucius On the other side, loving...

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Time Audits

Time Audits

Time audits are a tool to provide objectivity to where your time goes. We can use them to understand where our time goes. Many use them with the goal of increasing productivity. However, there are many other patterns they can be leveraged to detect. How we feel during...

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