The MeEO Minute
The way we work, grow, and succeed is changing. I’m here to explore what that means for you. This blog is a collection of insights, strategies, and reflections designed to help you become a MeEO and take ownership of your career and life.
I pull from books, podcasts, research, and personal experiences to uncover practical ways to stabilize, grow, and thrive in today’s evolving world. If you’re looking to create a stronger, more sustainable foundation for your career and life, you’re in the right place.
Let’s build something great—together!
The Ones Who Shaped Us
When we think about our lives and careers, we consider those who shaped our perspective. We consider our parents. Teachers who made an impact. A coach who pushed us to be our best. Managers who recognized and nurtured our talent. One group we might give less credit to...
Weekly Summary – 3.22.25
Welcome to the Saturday Summary. What I’ve Posted – Blog Summary This week the focus is on our personal brand with a variety of activities for you to consider and try out. Discover your style, benchmark others, and take steps to get a jump start. Personal Brand...
Roll Out the Red Carpet: Personal Awards
It’s awards season! The time of year when Hollywood rolls out the red carpet. The world tunes in to celebrate the best performances, breakthrough moments, and unforgettable achievements. But why should movie stars have all the fun? Q1 is also performance review season...
Do Personal Brands Open Doors or Box Us In?
Many of us have mixed emotions about the term “personal brand”. We may like the idea of becoming known for something. Re-enforcing our positive reputation. And expressing our unique difference. At the same time, we may fear being seen as fake or inauthentic. We worry...
Benchmarking Our Personal Brand
As a brand strategist (and many other occupations), we benchmark. We look at what others are doing. Understanding where others focus. Gaining inspiration from their approach. Recognizing the things we admire and things we want to avoid. We never want to copy another...
5 Steps to Jump Start Your Personal Brand
These days understanding and communicating our personal value is more important than ever. Job stability is a thing of the past for knowledge workers. We might be laid off in a downturn. Not considered for a promotion because of a lack of awareness of our unique...
Personal Brand Style
When it comes to our personal brand, we have a sense of style. The clothes we wear. The words we choose in conversation. The way we present ourselves online. As we continue to establish ourselves as a MeEO, we can be more intentional with our brand. Our personal brand...
Weekly Summary – 3.15.25
Welcome to the Saturday Summary. What I’ve Posted – Blog Summary This week is all about time. We explore how to think about it, plan it, and determine what we think we are doing when we waste it. The First 90 Days Outdated? The first post of the week suggests...
Time – What is a Waste?
Time is a funny thing. Sometimes it moves quickly. Other times it moves slowly. I feel like when I’m working on projects, the clock is always fast. I underestimate how long something will take. I get pulled in and lose track of time. For others, I think project work...
Timeframe. Such a common word. So common we probably don’t even think about it. “The period of time in which something occurs or is planned to take place.” Until someone brings it to the forefront. For me, that was through a wonderful poem titled Time, Framed. I hope...
9-Box Planning
I’ve been thinking about time increments and planning. We can think of many increments like 5, 15, 30, 60, or 90 just to name a few. Then apply those to different time metrics including seconds, minutes, hours, days and months. We could plan a month with time blocks...
Leveraging the “90’s” Framework
Yesterday, we explored the idea that the timeframe for “the first 90-days” has shifted. The timeframes to get up to speed and make an impact is getting shorter. That got me thinking that we could use “90” as a framework for different types of activities. Some are 90...
The First 90 Days Outdated?
With a new project or job, the first 90 days are often discussed. Made popular in the early 2000s with Michael D. Watkins book The First 90 Days. We are asked how we will approach the first 90 days. Teams discuss how to get through forming, norming, and storming in 90...
Weekly Summary – 3.8.25
Welcome to the Saturday Summary. What I’ve Posted – Blog Summary This week is all about personal brands. There are tools and frameworks to help you consider how you show up in the world and what makes you unique. Personal Brand Discovery. The first post of the...
Discover Your Benefits
As a marketer, we talk about highlighting benefits, not features. The features are the attributes of a product or service. The benefit is the value a customer gets from the product or service. Often when we are creating and updating bios, resumes, and LinkedIn, we...