Focused on developing actionable plans that enable individuals, teams, and companies achieve their goals and aspirations.

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Setting goals and creating strategic plans at the heart of everything I do.

My mission is to develop products and services that will enable individuals to achieve personal goals and teams to go from good to great. From self/team-discovery to goal setting and planning, I provide step-by-step guidance on your unique path.

Business Strategy

A well thought out business plan sets and organization up for success. My focus areas include overall business, sustainability, and employee experience plans.

Marketing Plans

With deep experience creating actionable marketing plans for companies ranging from Fortune 500 to startups, I work with brands to develop performance-based plans.


Personal Development

Great companies are based on great people. My individual coaching, team workshops, and training support organizations as they move from good to great.

Known For

Known For

What do you want to be known for? The more seasoned we become in our career, the more challenging this question can become. Our list of knowledge, skills, and experience grows. We don’t want to be pigeonholed into just one thing. Yet, if we share everything, our...

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A couple weeks ago, I wrote about lifequakes in a post about job loss. Lifequakes are disruptive life moments that can be negative or positive. A few negative examples include job loss, death of a loved one, or divorce. Positive quakes can include having a baby,...

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Work-Life balance. Harmony. Integration. Lots of words have been used. Much debate has been had. Is balance possible? Balance is not only possible, it’s a fact. There is balance in your life. Every day we each have 24 hours. List how the last 24 were spent. Create...

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Saturday Summary – 10.12.24

Saturday Summary – 10.12.24

What I’ve Been Up To This past week, I’ve been working on a few content projects that will be coming out on the blog and in workshops soon. One project is digging into personal branding and creating exercises we can do to better articulate our personal brand, and in...

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Are You Procrastinating?

Are You Procrastinating?

I recently listened to a Marie Forleo podcast episode about procrastination. Some of the stats she shared were shocking: The average person spends 218 minutes a day or 55 days a year procrastinating. And procrastination costs the US economy 70 billion a year! She also...

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Lifestyle Planning

Lifestyle Planning

On an episode of Cal Newport’s podcast, he talked about lifecycle-centric planning. The episode was great and led me to this blog post on his website. The primary message is this: “Fix the lifestyle you want. Then work backwards from there.” – Cal Newport The entire...

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“I really got a ton of value out of our session.  I walked away with a lot to think about.  My approach to my strengths wasn’t necessarily a positive one.  You really helped me see that they are truly strengths and make me unique and valuable.”

Joey Groh