Focused on developing actionable plans that enable individuals, teams, and companies achieve their goals and aspirations.

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Setting goals and creating strategic plans at the heart of everything I do.

My mission is to develop products and services that will enable individuals to achieve personal goals and teams to go from good to great. From self/team-discovery to goal setting and planning, I provide step-by-step guidance on your unique path.

Business Strategy

A well thought out business plan sets and organization up for success. My focus areas include overall business, sustainability, and employee experience plans.

Marketing Plans

With deep experience creating actionable marketing plans for companies ranging from Fortune 500 to startups, I work with brands to develop performance-based plans.


Personal Development

Great companies are based on great people. My individual coaching, team workshops, and training support organizations as they move from good to great.

2000 – Marketing & Branding

2000 – Marketing & Branding

This week, I’m sharing the thought leaders who have shaped my career. My list focuses on the thought leaders I found through books and magazines. Occasionally, one jumps on the list from a conference. The list today is focused on the decade of the 2000s. The...

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Weekly Summary – 3.22.25

Weekly Summary – 3.22.25

Welcome to the Saturday Summary. What I’ve Posted – Blog Summary  This week the focus is on our personal brand with a variety of activities for you to consider and try out. Discover your style, benchmark others, and take steps to get a jump start. Personal Brand...

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1990’s – Foundational Knowledge

1990’s – Foundational Knowledge

As mentioned yesterday, this week I’m sharing the thought leaders who have shaped my career. Along the way, I will encourage you to consider your thought leaders. I also hope that a few on my list might spark your interest to learn more. One thing I noticed is that...

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Roll Out the Red Carpet: Personal Awards

Roll Out the Red Carpet: Personal Awards

It’s awards season! The time of year when Hollywood rolls out the red carpet. The world tunes in to celebrate the best performances, breakthrough moments, and unforgettable achievements. But why should movie stars have all the fun? Q1 is also performance review season...

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The Ones Who Shaped Us

The Ones Who Shaped Us

When we think about our lives and careers, we consider those who shaped our perspective. We consider our parents. Teachers who made an impact. A coach who pushed us to be our best. Managers who recognized and nurtured our talent. One group we might give less credit to...

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Do Personal Brands Open Doors or Box Us In?

Do Personal Brands Open Doors or Box Us In?

Many of us have mixed emotions about the term “personal brand”. We may like the idea of becoming known for something. Re-enforcing our positive reputation. And expressing our unique difference. At the same time, we may fear being seen as fake or inauthentic. We worry...

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“I really got a ton of value out of our session.  I walked away with a lot to think about.  My approach to my strengths wasn’t necessarily a positive one.  You really helped me see that they are truly strengths and make me unique and valuable.”

Joey Groh